Queen Marie of Romania (2019) Film Review

queen marie romania
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Queen Marie of Romania begins in 1919 with Marie handing out bread to starving people before whisked away due to safety concerns. Marie is scolded by her husband for going out, and he tells her that the negotiations of the Paris Peace Conference are not going well for Romania.

Marie then writes to her cousin, King George V of the United Kingdom, asking him for help. We also see her arguing with her son Carol about his relationship with Zizi Lambrino, but as she lectures him about his love for a commoner, she is shown as romantically linked to Prince Barbu Știrbey. Marie is then asked to go to Paris to represent Romania and to improve their position, and she accepts. She takes along her daughters Elisabeth, Maria and Ileana.

She is welcomed in Paris where the press eagerly awaits her to watch her every move. Some realise she is there for the peace talks and not just for social engagements. The politicians are less than impressed and consider her just a woman in Paris to show off her dresses. She finally manages to secure a meeting with French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau who throws the Treaty of Bucharest in her face, but she argues about the validity of the treaty while fake-crying. She also argues for several regions that belonged to Romania and asks for justice.

During a meeting with Prime Minister Lloyd George, she is forced to shout across the table after he places her on the other side. She refuses to give up, demanding to know when the British will recognise the sacrifice of the Romanians. She then decides to visit King Georg V himself, and we also meet Queen Mary. She asks him for help, and although he recognises that she has given her heart to Romania, he is reluctant to help. With some friendly advice from Nancy Astor, Marie returns to Paris with newfound determination.

She meets with Prime Minister Lloyd George again and reminds him that she is Queen Victoria’s granddaughter. He agrees to promote the cause of a Greater Romania. She also finally finds a way to President Wilson – through his wife Edith whom she meets at a charity event. However, she finds President Wilson unwilling to see her side of the story. She invites him and his wife over for a visit, hoping that he will be impressed the natural riches – like oil. By then end of the meeting, he reluctantly agrees to see what he can do. Marie leaves Paris – having made quite an impression and French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau – nicknamed the Tiger – calls her The Lioness.

Upon her return home, her son Carol mocks her for having believed in the promises of politicians. Marie walks out and bursts into tears in her rooms. She retreats to Pelișor Castle, disappointed in being let down by her husband – who did not stand up for her. He eventually comes to visit her, reminding her of all they have been through and how he admires her. He then tells her that her quest in Paris was successful against all the odds. She had succeeded. She and her husband were crowned monarchs of Greater Romania in 1922.

Roxana Lupu really is the embodiment of Queen Marie, and she brings her to life really well. The locations and sets are all beautiful, and you really are transported back in time 100 years. I loved the inclusion of the historical footage of the coronation. Several languages are spoken in the film, but the primary language is English and English subtitles are also available. The only thing I didn’t like was the plastic look of the tiaras.

Queen Marie of Romania can be viewed via Vimeo for just $5, and I consider this money well spent! If you wish to read more about Marie, you can read our article on her right here.


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About Moniek Bloks 2829 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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