Police files on Queen Victoria’s goddaughter Princess Sophia Duleep Singh to go on display

(public domain)

Princess Sophia Duleep Singh was the daughter of the exiled Indian Maharaja Duleep Singh and, in addition to being Queen Victoria’s goddaughter, she also lived in a grace and favour apartment at Hampton Court.

She was also a devoted suffragette and surveillance files compiled on her will go on display for the first time at the British Library next year as part of its spring show exploring the history of the fight for women’s rights. She was closely monitored by the police and the files stretch from 1902 until 1920. Around 180 objects in total will go on display, some for the first time. Sophia’s diary will also be on display.

Polly Russell, the curator, told The Guardian: “We are trying to tell a really big story and to connect this current moment of activism to the history.” Russell added the files gave “a sense of just how unsettled people were … by her but also by suffrage as a whole. It was seen as a real problem for the state.”

Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Rights is on at the British Library from 24 April to 23 August 2020.

Read more about Sophia here.


History of Royal Women Shop

About Moniek Bloks 2830 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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