Alexandra Feodorovna

Results of “Yekaterinburg remains” DNA-testing once again delayed

Although it had previously been announced that the results of the DNA-tests currently being conducted on the “Yekaterinburg remains”, or the remains of Emperor Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna and their five children, would be announced in the second quarter of 2017, they have been delayed until November 2017 without an obvious reason. A meeting has [read more]

Alexandra Feodorovna

Church to announce results of the examinations of “Yekaterinburg remains” in second quarter of 2017

The Russian Orthodox church has announced that the results of the DNA-examinations of the “Yekaterinburg remains”, or better said the remains of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia and his family will be announced in the second quarter of 2017. “Very intensive work is going on. The genetic expertise has been held in the best world’s [read more]

Alexandra Feodorovna

New DNA-testing on Romanov remains will be believed by the Russian Orthodox Church

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything concerning the remains of Tsarevich Alexei and his sister Grand Duchess Maria. The Russian Orthodox Church required addition DNA-testing for their reburial as they and their family are considered to be holy martyrs and passion bearers in the Russian Orthodox Church. Just yesterday a news report came [read more]