Margaret Fredkulla was born around 1080 as the daughter of King Inge the Elder of Sweden and Helena, Queen of Sweden. She was married to King Magnus of Norway in 1101 as part of a peace treaty between Sweden and Norway. The name Fredkulla means Maiden of Peace.
She was married to King Magnus of Norway in 1101 as part of a peace treaty between Sweden and Norway. The name Fredkulla means Maiden of Peace. By 1103 she was a childless widow, and she returned to Sweden. Many Norwegians had expected her to stay and were insulted by her departure. They even accused her of having stolen the relics of Saint Olav.
In 1105, she was married again to King Niels of Denmark. He is described as a passive monarch who was only too happy to leave the affairs of state to Margaret. She became the de facto Queen regnant of Denmark. She minted her own coins with both hers and Niels’ image. She and Niels had to two children, Inge, who died in childhood and the future King Magnus I of Sweden. Her reign was a peaceful one, and she saw her son succeed to her father’s throne. He never succeeded as King of Denmark as he predeceased his father. Instead, his son Canute became King of Denmark.
She died on 4 November 1130.
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