
Iconic royal photographs go on display

Royal Portraits: A Century of Photography has now opened at The King’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace. The new exhibition, which features 150 items from the Royal Collection and the Royal Archives, tracks the evolution of royal portrait photography over the last 100 years. Alessandro Nasini, curator of Royal Portraits: A Century of Photography, said, ‘The [read more]

royal art

The Royal Art Exhibition

The Royal Art Exhibition from the Museum Gouda explores the close connection between the Dutch royal house and the art world and offers a glimpse at some items that are not often on display. The exhibition starts with the grand wedding portrait of Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Henry, and the room also includes several wedding [read more]

Schloss Wolfenbuttel
Anna Amalia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

Schloss Wolfenbüttel – Birthplace of a Duchess

Schloss Wolfenbüttel is a palace in Wolfenbüttel in Germany, which served as the residence of the rulers of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel from 1432 to 1753. It was, for example, the home of Sophia Hedwig of Brunswick-Lüneburg, later Countess of Nassau-Dietz. Perhaps one of the most notable royal women to be born here was Anna Amalia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, [read more]