Thousands of private letters to last German Empress discovered

(public domain)

A forgotten cabinet in Potsdam’s New Palace has been hiding thousands of letters that had been written to the last Empress of Germany, Augusta Victoria. The New Palace in Potsdam has been undergoing renovations for several years now, which lead to the discovery of the letters. The Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation (SPSG) announced that they found the cabinet hidden behind a wall during preparations for the exhibition “Kaiserdämmerung: The New Palace in 1918: Between the Monarchy and the Weimar Republic.”

The New Palace under construction in 2015 when I visited it.

The letters were written between 1883 and 1886 and most of the letters are from family, such as Queen Victoria. The letters will go on display until November with the Kaiserdämmerung exhibition.

Augusta Victoria was married to German Emperor Wilhelm II, who abdicated in 1918. They went on to have six sons and one daughter. Augusta Victoria died shortly after being exiled to the Netherlands with her husband. 

See some photos of the find here.

About Moniek Bloks 2915 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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