From Queen Victoria to the Princess Royal – 27 November 1861

victoria victoria
(public domain)

From Queen Victoria to the Princess Royal – Windsor Castle, 27 November 1861

Many, many thanks for your dear letter of the 23rd. As you do not mention it yourself – I hope you are all right again and that the rash is past. Dearest Papa has written to you that he is not well – and so he is – but thank God! unberufen1 not one of his bad, old attacks – but a cold with neuralgia – a great depression which has been worse these last 3 days – but I hope will be much better tomorrow. The sad part is – that this loss of rest at night (worse than he has ever had before) was caused by a great sorrow2 and worry3 which upset us both greatly – but him especially – and it broke him quite down; I never saw him so low. Please God, this will soon be past and the heavy cloud dissipated.4

  1. Fortunately
  2. The death of the King of Portugal
  3. the conduct of the Prince of Wales
  4. Roger Fulford – Dearest Child

About Moniek Bloks 2771 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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