May I not go home? (Day 9)

mary jane
(public domain)

The Duke of Northumberland chose not to cause bloodshed and the final boost for Mary’s supporters came from John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who declared for Mary on the ninth day of Lady Jane’s reign. Mary was now convinced that she had succeeded and she issued the following declaration,

“By the Queen. Know ye all good people that the most excellent Princess Mary, elder daughter of King Henry VIII and sister to King Edward VI, your late sovereign Lord, is now by the grace of God Queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith and very true owner of the crown and government of the realm of England and Ireland and all things thereto justly belong, and to her and no other ye owe to be her true Liege men.”

She goes on to declare her strength of arms and attacks the Duke of Northumberland, but never mentions Jane. She ends with, “Wherefore, good people, as ye mindeth the surety of her said person, the honour and surety of your country, being good Englishmen, prepare yourselves in all haste with all your power to repair unto her said armies yet being in Suffolk, making your prayers to God for her success…upon the said causes she utterly defyeth the said duke for her most errant traitor to God and to this realm.”

Lady Jane Grey’s reign was over, and she was deposed the following day as Mary was proclaimed Queen.

It was her father who informed Jane, he tore down the canopy as she had supper, “You must put off your royal robes and be content with private life.” Jane replied, “I much more willingly put them off than I put them on. Out of obedience to you and my mother, I have grievously sinned. Now I willingly relinquish the crown.” She added, “May I not go home?”

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About Moniek Bloks 2794 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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