History of Royal Women: The Year 2016

(public domain)

The top 10 searches for 2016 were:

  1. (not set)
  2. Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark
  3. Sunandha Kumariratana
  4. history of royal women
  5. royal women in history
  6. royal women
  7. Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark children
  8. Queen of Thailand 1880
  9. Queen of Thailand drowned
  10. Princess Feodora of Leiningen

Our largest audience still comes from the United States.

  1. United States (50,44%)
  2. United Kingdom (13,10%)
  3. Australia (5,52%)
  4. Canada (5,27%)
  5. The Netherlands (2,43%)

The most popular posts for 2016 were:

  1. On Pain of death, do not touch Queen Sunandha!
  2. King’s daughter was buried alive
  3. Richard III taken to final resting place after 500 years
  4. Ten Secrets Between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn That You Should Know
  5. Anne Boleyn’s Embroidery
  6. Anne Boleyn’s Apartments in the Tower of London
  7. Prince Philip’s DNA may identify the last of the Romanovs
  8. Inside Anne Boleyn’s Place of Burial
  9. The Imprisonment of Gwenllian of Wales
  10. Marie Antoinette’s Last Letter

Our visitors stats have increased 514%, which is amazing! Our busiest day was 18 September 2016 with 13,649 views and 8,816 unique visitors.

The most popular videos of 2016 were:

About Moniek Bloks 2915 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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