Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein

Thousands of private letters to last German Empress discovered

A forgotten cabinet in Potsdam’s New Palace has been hiding thousands of letters that had been written to the last Empress of Germany, Augusta Victoria. The New Palace in Potsdam has been undergoing renovations for several years now, which lead to the discovery of the letters. The Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation (SPSG) announced that [read more]

Book Reviews

Wallis in Love: The Untold Life of the Duchess of Windsor, the Woman Who Changed the Monarchy by Andrew Morton Book Review

Before she became known as the woman who enticed a king from his throne and birthright, Bessie Wallis Warfield was a prudish and particular girl from Baltimore. At turns imaginative, ambitious, and spoiled, Wallis’s first words as recalled by her family were “me, me.” From that young age, she was in want of nothing but [read more]