Queen Emma’s Diamond Tiara

queen emma's diamond tiara
RP-F-F21027 via Rijksmuseum (public domain)

Queen Emma’s Diamond Tiara was made for Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont and gifted by her husband, King William III of the Netherlands to her in 1890. However, it arrived shortly after his death.

queen emma's diamond tiara
RP-F-F21027 via Rijksmuseum (public domain)

It was made by Royal Begeer and features a trio of harp designs with diamond rosette-style clusters made from silver and gold. She often wore it topped with diamond stars from her own collection, for example, to her daughter’s wedding in 1901.

The tiara was a favourite of Princess Beatrix, and she is shown wearing it in the famous Warhol portrait.

Beatrix in Images exhibition
Photo by Moniek Bloks

The centre of the rosette can be swapped for a ruby, and Princess Laurentien wore it in this setting for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden’s wedding in 2010.

Of course, Queen Maxima has also worn this piece, such as in New Zealand in 2016.1

  1. Court Jeweller

About Moniek Bloks 2915 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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