Queens Regnant – Rasoherina of Madagascar

(public domain)

Rasoherina was born in 1814 as the daughter of Prince Andriantsalamanandriana and Princess Rafaramanjaka.

She married Raharolahy, a statesman when she was young, but they divorced in 1847. That same year, she remarried to Rakoto, the future King Radama II. He succeeded his mother in 1861, and she was crowned as his Queen consort. Just two years later, he was believed to have been assassinated during a coup.

She was offered the crown by the brothers Rainivoninahitriniony and Rainilaiarivony, on the condition that she sign a contract that would essentially create a constitutional monarchy. She was crowned again on 13 May 1863. She entered into a political marriage with Rainivoninahitriniony a few weeks after her coronation. He soon became violent and reportedly threatened her with a knife several times. Rasoherina responded by deposing her husband and appointing his younger brother Rainilaiarivony as prime minister. She also divorced her husband and married his younger brother.

She would not be rid of her husband so easily, though. In 1868, a massive crowd attempted to storm her residence at the behest of Rainivoninahitriniony. By then, Rasoherina was already ill with dysentery. Despite this, she gave a public address asking her supporters to walk with her through the capital city.

She died just four later on 1 April 1868. She left her two children in the care of her successor, Ramoma, who would succeed her as Ranavalona II. It is unclear from which marriage these children came, although I suspect they came from her first marriage due to her age.

History of Royal Women Shop

About Moniek Bloks 2829 Articles
My name is Moniek and I am from the Netherlands. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories.

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