The Year of Queen Victoria (2019)

Queen Victoria -The Famine Queen

In 1900, Irish activist Maud Gonne referred to Queen Victoria as the ‘Famine Queen’. This nickname stuck as Irish Nationalism, and a quest for independence from the United Kingdom gained traction.  Before this, while British laissez-faire capitalist policies were often blamed for the extent of the devastation felt during the famine, the Queen herself had [read more]

The Royal Women

Queen Victoria & The Bedchamber Crisis

Queen Victoria began her reign with immense popularity, but that popularity was quickly dented with the Bedchamber Crisis. Lord Melbourne, her Prime Minister from the start, had his leadership undermined and Tory MP Robert Peel looked like the man to replace him as Prime Minister. Victoria had always found Robert Peel unpleasant and cold. Victoria [read more]