The Grave of Princess Soraya of Iran
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The Grave of Princess Soraya of Iran

Text by Brittani Barger Born on 22 June 1932 in the English Missionary Hospital in Isfahan, Iran, Soraya Esfandiary-Bakhtiary was the elder child and only daughter of Khalil Esfandiary-Bakhtiary and his German wife, Eva Karl. Soraya was introduced to the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, in 1948. The Shah had recently divorced his first [read more]

Places To Visit

The Grave of Empress Elisabeth’s disgraced niece Countess Marie Larisch von Moennich

Countess Marie Larisch von Moennich was born as Marie Louise Elizabeth Mendel on 24 February 1858 as the illegitimate daughter of Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria and the actress Henriette Mendel. When Henriette fell pregnant for the second time, she and Ludwig Wilhelm contracted a morganatic marriage. They were married on 28 May 1859, shortly [read more]