elizabeth funeral
Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen

Burial places of the Queens of England

Funeral cortege of Elizabeth I of England Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury – Shaftesbury Abbey (Shaftesbury, UK) Ruins Ælfgifu – Winchester Cathedral (Winchester, UK) Elfrida – Wherwell Abbey (Wherwell, UK) Demolished Ælfgifu of York – Unknown Ealdgyth (wife of Edmund Ironside) – Unknown Emma of Normandy – First in Old Minster Cathedral (Winchester,UK). Bones now in Winchester Cathedral (Winchester, UK) [read more]

Book Reviews

Elfrida The First Crowned Queen of England by Elizabeth Norton Book Review

I just recently received this book, Elfrida The First Crowned Queen of England by Elizabeth Norton from Amberley Publishing for review. It’s been available in hardcover since earlier this year but came out in paperback last month. Elfrida was actually known by several names, Ælfthryth but also Alfrida and Elfthryth. The Anglo-Saxons certainly knew how to make things difficult [read more]